Best Movies of All Time
- Good Will Hunting
- Rudy
- The Goonies
- South Park: Bigger,
Longer, Uncut
- Harry Potter movies
- Titanic
- Nightmare Before
- Nightmare on Elm
Street Series
- Superman
(Christopher Reeves R.I.P.)
- Moulin Rouge
![Jesse image](images/noda2.jpg)
I'm cute, smart, funny, a little gloomy -
all attractive qualities.
My motto: "I'm not laughing at you;
I'm laughing with you. The problem is that you're not laughing with
Worst Movies of All Time
- Magnolia
- Pulp Fiction
- Amelie
- Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
- Plan 9 From Outer Space
- Killer Klowns from Outer Space
- The Matrix 2
- The Matrix 3